Saturday, May 14, 2011

Couch to 5K

I LOVE to run...BUT I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 10. I have seen the people on the Biggest Loser for the last few seasons run/walk marathons and I finally decided that by golly I'm gonna do it too (only smaller). I hope I don't have to walk to the whole thing, but even if I do I'M DOING THIS! For me, it's more about setting the goal and accomplishing it, than the actual run. But that'll be pretty amazing too! I have seen numerous people post about the Couch to 5K, so I'm gonna try it and we'll see what happens.


Ok, so I'm not so "good" with the whole blog thing. I wish it didn't take so long to do and that ideas were easier to convey. As a detailed oriented person (made that way, not my fault) I tend to put in waaaay too much details and that takes forever! However, most of the time, I'm not even sure what to cut out.

Well, I thought of this site the other day and when I tried to get on, it said that they were fixing some stuff. I just got on tonight and discovered it's been since December since I wrote anything and it's been since August since I blogged. Geez! Time just keeps going and going. Before I know it my son will be my age! :P (I've got some scrapbooking to get working on too!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


For some reason I completely forgot about this blog. I just thought of it tonight and it's been over 3 months since I last wrote. Guess I have some catching up to do. I have journaled over that time. I wish there was a way to put it on here in the right date rather than just put it all on one day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Tonight as I was getting ready to go to sleep I longed for a word from God. I have to take the first section of the CPA exam this Friday and quite frankly I am scared. He prompted me to read Today's Word with Joel & Victoria (a daily email I get). The first thing I read was "Find Peace Today." How awesome is that?! The scripture they give is "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3, NKJ) Oh how I needed to read that! Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Something that I have learned is that when God tells me no to something, it is for my own good. I may not understand why, but I must trust His ♥ and plan for me. His ways are higher than my ways. His thoughts higher than my thoughts. His ♥ for me is greater than I could ever imagine. If He is telling me no, there is a reason.

Monday, June 21, 2010



help me to be strong for I am weak
give me rest for I am weary
heal my heart for it is broken
give me wisdom for I am clueless
lead me for I am lost
forgive me for I have sinned against you
shine through me that I will be a light in the darkness

I thank you...

YOU are my strength
YOU are the one I rest in
YOU are my healer
YOU are the answer
YOU are my direction
YOU are my Savior
YOU are the light

You not only hear my prayers and the cries of my heart. You answer them.

Friday, May 21, 2010

How great God is!

For quite some time (years even)I have been attempting to get Dylan to clean his room to no avail. It has been one of THOSE battles. His attitude towards getting it done was one I was not willing to fight least not in the sense of making him stay in his room till it's clean, can't play when he gets home because his room isn't clean, etc.

Recently, I had had enough and I gave him one week to clean his room. I told him if he didn't clean it I would (and he would lose his stuff permanently). Of course, despite the fact I even went into his room with him to help on at least one occasion, he did not clean his room. Not even close. I was not looking forward to doing the job myself and taking all his stuff and I have been rather busy so despite the time being up, I didn't do anything with his room.

Dylan mentioned to me more than once about my not cleaning his room and I told him that at any point now it's fair game and I will get to it. Twice in the last week he told me he'd clean it and on Wednesday even said cross his heart(lol). Both times I mentioned to him what he said on that day, he just said "hmm." (He says he cleaned Wednesday, but I couldn't tell it.)

Within the last few days, God gave me the idea of not doing Dylan's room myself, but rather only do part and do the stuff that is the most important to him. I told him a couple of days ago that was what I was going to do. This morning I walked in his room and grabbed the kite he had on his desk. Then I grabbed the "jacket" I had told him to hang up. Under it was another couple of things that didn't belong there. Finally, the hardest one for me was there was a container on the floor with a bunch (20+) cars of his.

God had specifically told me to get rid of it today. That way there would be no argument and/or ability for him to get them back. I "just happened" to be going to a get together today at a friend's house. I took the kite, cars, and cap with me and gave them to a woman I know who has 2 boys. When Dylan got home, I told him what had taken place. He not only handled it extremely well, he was VERY diligent in cleaning his room. So much so, that I told him I would not take anything from his room today.

We talked a little about how my issue isn't his messy room, but the refusal to clean it. As long as he's diligent in getting it clean then I am more than happy to work with him. Once he gets it clean, then we'll have to come up with something for him to keep it that way. For right now, I am just ecstatic that his room is getting clean without me being the one doing it AND without fighting him to get it done!